Promotional Services Payment Form
2025 - Promotional Services Payment Form
includes these services:
Display your app at races we time
Post your app on the Pretzel City Website Only
Post App on Website and Display Apps at Races we time
Post results on the Pretzel City Website

This form is adapted from our online race registration form.
Please follow these prompts to fill out the form below:
Where it asks for your First Name: Enter, the Name of Your Race
Last Name: Please type in your Full Name (First and Last Name)
All other sections can be filled in your own information

Then choose the Service below for which you are interested in paying for
You Must then email us at to let us know that payment is complete. And for what service you paid for.
If paying to have your Race App posted to the Website, please include an attachment of that race app in pdf or word format to that email.

Details and race-day or mailable registration can be found at:
* First Name:   * required fields
* Last Name:
* Street Address:
* City:
* Select a State:
* Zip/Postal Code:
* Gender: Male    Female
* Age on day of race:
* Date of birth:
* Email Address:
Best time to call: Day   Evening   Either
Already receiving Weekly Email Run Updates? Yes    No
Parent/Legal Guardian Name (required if under 18 on day of race):
Post app on site and display app at races at time of receipt of electronic copy of your race app: ( $74.99 plus $0.01 service fee through 12/31/2025 )
  Please email us at to let us know that payment is complete. And for what service you paid for. If you are having your race app posted to the website, please attach a pdf or word format of the race app you would like posted to the email.
Display app at races only at time we receive your bulk supply of race apps: ( $39.99 plus $0.01 service fee through 12/31/2025 )
  Please email us at to let us know that payment is complete. And for what service you paid for.
Post app on website only at time of receipt of electronic copy of your race app: ( $39.99 plus $0.01 service fee through 12/31/2025 )
  Please email us at to let us know that payment is complete. And for what service you paid for. If you are having your race app posted to the website, please attach a pdf or word format of the race app you would like posted to the email.
Post results on web site at time of checkout: ( $19.99 plus $0.01 service fee through 12/31/2025 )
  Please email us at to let us know that payment is complete. And for what service you paid for. If you are having your race results posted to the website, please attach a pdf or excel format of the race results you would like posted to the email.

  WAIVER: Thank you for your payment - Please send us your email to us at to let us know that payment is complete. And for what service you paid for.


Shirt Type

Your registration will not be complete until you reach a confirmation screen
that says "you have successfully registered."
Do not close your browser window early or resubmit your entry.

Click Continue to review your registration information before making final purchase >>>>