610-779-2668 •

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Want to get weekly updates on the races coming up this weekend and next? Or emails on deadlines for race price breaks, race cancellations or postponements, extensions of entry deadlines, etc? Then sign up here to get Pretzel City’s eblasts, your BEST source for information on races in our region.

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Breaking News

RACE DIRECTORS! Reserve your crew for your 2024 event NOW!

Pretzel City Sports is now taking timing reservations for 2024 events. Don’t’ wait, book us now! In the fall of 2023, we had dates that were 100% booked and for which we had to turn work away, despite us having more crews than almost any timer in the East. Be SURE to get your reservation… Continue Reading

Contact us by Email

Many questions we get can be answered with just a few words; what time I should start my race, did you get my race application proof, is my online registration set up, etc.  Questions such as these are best answered by email. Our email address is

You can also email us if you have more extensive questions that are best answered by phone but would like us to initiate the phone call.  In those cases, be sure to email us the reason for your email, your name, your phone number and the best time to call.

Most times, we are able to respond to emails within 48 hours at most; especially if the email is received Monday thru Friday.  Be aware, however, that just like snailmail, not every email gets to where it is supposed to go; some inexplicable go to the spam file, some kick back as undeliverable, etc.  If you do not get a response within 48 hrs., please call us at 610-779-2668 day or night so we can see why the email contact failed and address whatever your needs may be.   

Ways that you should NOT contact us is by text or social media platforms; Facebook, Instagram, etc. Inquiries using such methods do NOT go directly to the employees of Pretzel City Sports and there is no guarantee that we will get them.

We look forward to hearing from you and helping you plan a fun and PROFITABLE race!