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Breaking News

RACE DIRECTORS! Reserve your crew for your 2024 event NOW!

Pretzel City Sports is now taking timing reservations for 2024 events. Don’t’ wait, book us now! In the fall of 2023, we had dates that were 100% booked and for which we had to turn work away, despite us having more crews than almost any timer in the East. Be SURE to get your reservation… Continue Reading

Virtual Race Promotional Services

Basic Virtual Race Design & Promotion Package

With Pretzel City’s Virtual Race Package, you get everything that you get when Pretzel City Sports times a race EXCEPT the timing. Plus, you get an additional eblast, a $95 value. This package is available to races that decide, from the get go, to have a virtual event and to races that initially planned to hold an actual race but decides to go “virtual only” before the race date arrives. The services below can save you a TON of hours and prevent you from making a critical mistake in the design, promotion and success of your event. An abbreviated list of those services is below:


Race Design Assistance:  

  • Unlimited phone & email consulting on race issues; design, scheduling, pricing, awards, course selection, etc.
  • Templates for designing a race application, a sponsorship campaign & tracking entries; each a HUGE time savers!
  • Online registration set-up for payment via credit card at no cost to you and with us doing all the setup.  
  • Free review of your race application/brochure before it goes to print to detect things that may hurt the race’s marketability or administration. 

Result Service:

  • Do a one-time post of the results on once submitted to PCS. Results are displayed there for the next 3 years. Results to be sent in Excel exactly as you want them displayed.

Race Promotion: (upon request and if needed materials are supplied by the race):

  • Provide you a “snail mail” list of runners in your area, including how often they race, from our 80,000+ runner list. 
  • Broadcast 2 free eblasts that you provide about your race to the 33,000+ runners on our email list. 
  • Display your race application, upon receipt, at the over 400 events a year that PCS times.
  • Add your basic race information to PCS’s online calendar; over 3/4 of a million visitors to site annually.
  • Post your race application form on PCS’s online Race Application page for runners to see and download.
  • Highlight your race the last 2 weeks before race day in PCS’s weekly Run Update to 33,000+ runners.
  • Provide you addresses for approx 100 running stores, run clubs & run periodicals so you can notify them about your race.

Click here for an expanded description of our promotional tools that come FREE with our timing and are purchasable by other events too. 


Cost of Our Virtual Package:

The cost of our Virtual Package depends on whether you do your online registration through PCS or not. If you DO have us administer it, then the cost is $75. If you do NOT have us administer it or do not offer online registration for your event, then the cost is $125. The $75 fee assumes that there will be a minimum of 20 entries that use the online registration system. If less than 20 entries are received, then the event will be billed the $50 difference between the two fees, after the fact.


How to Proceed:

  1. Send a 2 sentence email to PCS that says “I want your help on our virtual race (race name) to be held on (date) at (location you wish to associate with the event)”. If the virtual race is to be held over a duration rather than a specific date, include that instead
  2. We’ll send you a request for additional information so we know more details about the event and your organization. At the same time, we’ll send you a document that covers some of the things that you’ll want to consider when designing your virtual event. We also send you a URL of the site where you can pay for the service. 
  3. Go to that location, pay the fee and then send us an email at, telling us that you paid the fee; we do not check that site daily for updates.
  4. Once we hear that it is paid, we’ll send you all the tools that you get. Then, once your race app is done, send it to us so we can post it and set up online registration.    

We look forward to helping you raise much needed funds for your organization during these trying times.

Online Payment can be made here